Prana Signature Glow

Prana Signature Glow-A unique skin rejuvenation experience

Service Description

Are you ready for a rejuvating experience? Prana Signature Glow treatment was specially thought-out to deeply nourish and cleanse your skin for a youthful and glowy finish.

The glow skin treatment is meant to provide a well-moisturised skin, giving you this natural and visible glow. The treatment consists of the use of hydrochloric ampoules to promote collagen production, vitamin E to improve the skin's firmness and other boosting ingredients to showcase the best version of your skin.

Our skin experts proceed to double cleanse your skin, removing any damaged layers and finish the treatment with the application of a refreshing face mask sheet. Get our Prana Signature Glow treatment now for a renewing experience!

Contact Us

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Our Locations

Chemin 20 Pieds, Grand Baie

1st Floor, Moka Business Centre, Moka Mauritius

S14, 2nd Floor, Palm Square, La Mivoie Royal Road, Tamarin

Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 21:00 hrs
Saturday : 09:00 - 19:00 hrs
Sunday : On Appointment
( Hours may vary by location )

Customer Service

Tel: +230 5 258 5717 / +230 5 258 5177
